bison tailgating

Team Makers: NDSU Is Ratcheting Up Tailgating

Finally, after several years of turning people away for reserved tailgating spots, NDSU will offer 279 more reserved spaces for Bison football fans looking to tailgate before the game.

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Graphic Courtesy of NDSU Athletics
Feature Photo by J. Alan Paul Photography

Last month, NDSU Team Makers Executive Director Pat Simmers released information about the changes coming to the West Lot for the upcoming football season. Finally, after several years of turning people away for reserved tailgating spots, NDSU will offer 279 more reserved spaces for Bison football fans looking to tailgate before the game. Get your name on the waiting list for reserved spots now. The deadline to request your space is May 15, so act soon, Bison Nation. Fill out your request form at


Bison Tailgating Parking Lots

Request Deadline

Get your reserved tailgating form in before May 15. Spots will be assigned over the summer using NDSU’s priority point system.

Single Game Passes

There will no longer be one single-season pass per tailgating spot. Reserved tailgating passes will be color-coordinated for each single game. For example, if you have four spots for six home games, you’ll get 24 individual tailgating passes.

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Tailgate-Pass Exchange

NDSU’s goal is to fill every spot for every game. For example, if you want to tailgate before the South Dakota game November 11, post your request for tailgating spots on the website so someone who isn’t using theirs can contact you. More information can be found on

If you have reserved spots for tailgating and can’t make it, go to the tailgating pass exchange page on the website, and search for people who can use your reserved spots.

Why Not All Reserved?

NDSU is committed to offering general admission tailgating spots for our fan base. There will be 219 spots left on the south side of Lot G for people looking to get into general admission tailgating.

Team Makers: NDSU Is Ratcheting Up Tailgating
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